Creative Business

Many creative business owners find the business side of art dull, tedious, and maybe even a little scary, but managing your company's money doesn't have to turn into a chore. Here, we've shared tips from the experts on handling the business side of art, from accounting basics to financial software solutions, without losing your mind.

Four Ways to Wall Time-Wasters

Stop Wasting Time! Four Steps to Better Time Management for Creatives

Creative types are often easily distracted by the nearest shiny thing, but when you own a creative business, it's crucial to learn how to stop wasting time and get through that to-do list. These tips for better time management will help you beat procrastination and become more productive, even when the TV, the fridge, and the Internet are all calling your name.

Make time to make time


Art Deco ClockTime is hard to come by these days. With only 24 hours in a day we can’t afford to waste them dwelling in confusion and anxiety. Competently organizing your day-to-day workflow can run your business like a well-oiled machine while giving it the proper attention it needs to expand.

Winter warmth

It's snowing again here at our Pennsylvania office, with promises of being knee-deep by dinnertime if the current rate of snowfall prevails. It's been so cold lately that I started working on a pair of legwarmers last night, even though I promised myself back in the 80s that I'd never wear such silly things again. Yes, it's that cold.

With such thoughts in mind, I invite you to grab a cup of hot cocoa and enjoy my collection of knit and crochet items below. They're guaranteed to give you the warm fuzzies!


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