Wholesale Line Sheets: An Essential Part of Selling Wholesale to Retailers

Selling wholesale to retailers is a great way to boost your business's bottom line and get your products in front of more customers. If you want to catch a retailer's attention, though, you need to have your business's ducks in a row and appear as organized as possible. Even more important: you want to make it as easy as possible for a retailer to work with you — and order from you. How can you accomplish that? With a great wholesale line sheet!

Visit our resource article, Selling Wholesale to Retailers: Why You Need a Professional Wholesale Line Sheet, to get the scoop on why a wholesale line sheet is essential to your indie business. You'll learn how having a professional-looking line sheet helped one crafter gain attention from local stores and gallery owners, and what online tools are out there to make the process of line sheet creation simple and seamless.
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