IndieMade as Infographic - CMS for Artists

This IndieMade infographic talks about how we are unlike other content management systems (CMS) serving artists and indie entrepreneurs. It is the first time I feel like I have explained what we do succintly - ish.  It has been hard to try to explain why having ALL of your content on your website does for you, and why we are different for all other cms for artists.

No one had to tell me I was a "visual learner." I could have told you that long before there was such a thing.  I see heirarchies when others don't.  

When I discovered infographics and then found the website, I was in heaven. l think it is graphic design artwork. Look at all that information that I can understand and digest quickly...well I guess there is some writing.

I never tried my hand at an infographic.  Until now.  It all makes sense now, right?


IndieMade Infographic