Creative Business

Many creative business owners find the business side of art dull, tedious, and maybe even a little scary, but managing your company's money doesn't have to turn into a chore. Here, we've shared tips from the experts on handling the business side of art, from accounting basics to financial software solutions, without losing your mind.

Spring Sensations

Spring is finally here, and I'm as excited as the birds twittering outside. Get into the spirit of the season with these great picks from IndieMade sellers.


Inspiration photos for spring

1. "Flora" by Jen J. Swanson Designs - 2. Interchangeable Flip Flops by Everything Blooms

3. Paloma necklace by Simon & Ruby

Plush food chain by Teetersaw

Finding Your Niche

Finding your niche as a craft business owner will help you find your ideal customer and figure out how best to market your work. Learn how to find your niche by getting specific on what exactly you're selling, what need your product fulfills, and what buyers want what you have to offer.
Rocks balanced on one another

Your Craft Business: How to Balance Work and Home as a Business Owner

When you own a home-based craft business, your work can bleed into your personal life until there's no separation between the two. Craft business owners sometimes have to work even harder than nine-to-fivers to create firm boundaries between their jobs and their lives. If you're struggling with work-life balance in your craft business, try some of these suggestions to help you balance work and home.


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