Your Dream Job: Do What You Love, and Turn It Into A Dream Career

Every day there are a thousand and one tasks to distract your attention from what you love to do. If you had the opportunity, wouldn't you choose to do something you are passionate about? This might seem like a fantasy to many, but living your dream job can be a reality! It might not happen overnight and more than likely it will take a lot of time, dedication, hard work and patience. If you can apply these four virtues you can turn your passion into your dream career.

Even if you do work a day job, you will have to devote some time to nuture your dream job. It is important to keep a journal and write down your goals. Where do you want to be a year from now? There is nothing like looking back and seeing how far you've come! Make a schedule and decide how much time you can devote to your new found business, family and other commitments. I can't stress how important this step is. It will save you a lot of heartache later on!

If you are a die-hard crafter, I have found from my own experience it is very tempting to jump from one project to the next. Finally, you might find yourself owning a miniature craft store instead of your own business. Out of all your many acquired talents what is your favorite? To work toward your dream job, focus on this one talent and develop it to the fullest. It will be a lot easier to market and sell the products that are created using the design process you are most passionate about. Don't spread yourself too thin, even though it is really tempting. You will have competition, there is no doubt about that, so it is your job to make your product outshine the rest!

Hard Work
Having your dream job means working hard to ensure success. More than likely you won't have a team of employees living with you when you're working from home. It is wonderful to be your own boss, but it also requires you to set the structure of your days and manage your time. Let's be realistic — being self-employed means you are not only the boss but the employees, the PR agent, the web designer, and all other roles. Once again, it is so important to write your goals down because they will encourage you and push you forward to create your dream career. There might be long hours and late nights, but it will be so worth it if you are pursuing what you love!

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Growing a plant takes time. First, you have to prepare the soil, water it and wait. The waiting process does take time, but in the end you will have a lovely plant that will bear fruit. Your dream job is exactly the same. You will have to do some groundwork first by making a business plan for your dream career and adjusting it as time passes. You will also have to nurture your dream job through the first critical months and even years to see it come to maturity — a business that will be a financial support to your home instead of a strain. You will have to promote your product and gain the trust of your customers. This is a gradual process and can easily become discouraging if you are into instant gratification.

Keep Going
Don't give up if your first creation isn't a bestseller right off the bat. Keep working, tweaking and promoting. You might even try giving away your product. After all it is true that giving is better than receiving. Try some cross-promotions with other websites or blogs and sponsor a giveaway. This will give you positive PR and a great image as being a giving and friendly business, concerned about the customer and not the bottom-line. Most importantly don't ever give up on your dream career, because it is worth pursuing!

Emilee Gettle enjoys working in her family's successful home business in rural Missouri.

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